Sunday, September 7, 2014

J'aime les Food trucks!

As you might already know, it is a French tradition to have a meal on the day following the wedding: this is called Retour de Noces and it is a wonderful opportunity to make the most of your guests in a laid back atmosphere.

We, at The Chateau Bee, love to organise country chic picnics for Le Retour de Noces: you can ask your local baker to cook a giant bread and just accompany it with some French cheese, saucisson, salad...and wine of course! The simplest things are always the best...

What we also like is to source some Food Trucks: food trucks are fun, can supply all sort of food and are usually good it is always a pleasure to watch the guests' faces when the truck arrives! Whether it is an ice cream truck, a galette truck or an exotic food camionette, it will definitely delight the kids as well as the adults!

Here are some ideas of Food Trucks you can find in France:

A Galette truck in Brittany...

Want your guests to enjoy some French yoghurts or ice cream? Ask for a Marguerite du Pre's truck. Based in Paris.

In the vicinity of Clermont-Ferrand, in the centre of France, you will find Les Bouchées de Monbento, a truck that offers delicious bouchées (meat, fish or vegetables in pastry) with salad in bentos (these little boxes from Japan), as well as buns and skewers.

Finally, a truck based in the South East of France: Les Davids, that offers entirely organic and local products, in a lovely green truck.

For more information about Food trucks, you can browse this directory.

A bientôt!